Meet The Team

William “Buster” Koziara
2nd Generation Owner
Buster grew up in the family business learning early the value of hard work and great customer service. As his role expanded in the business, his focus also included bringing in the top brands in the hardscape industry with the goal of being the best hardscape supplier in the industry. With this accomplished, he took business to another level by partnering with Ace Hardware to offer even more for both his commercial and residential customers when it comes to home maintenance and improvements. Along the way he also became a father and grandfather with a passion for building on for the next generation.

Sherry Koziara
Accounts Receivable/ Payable, and yes she knows where the last penny is!

Jay Bursey
Hardscapes General Manager
He knows hardscaping and has the data to back it up.

Peggi Jeanne Crosier
ACE Hardware General Manager
She knows every SKU and where it is. And she has the pet cookies.

Aydan Hurley
ACE Hardware Assistant Manager Aydan loves helping our customers, as you can see by his great smile.

Devon Brock
ACE Hardware Customer Service Devon enjoys learning new ways to help our customers every day.

Mitch Gladu
Customer Service Mitch has a wealth of knowledge anc can assist you with all of your questions.

Mel Robinson
Customer Service Mel has been helping our customers in all aspects when it comes to the best customer service.

Miracal Robinson
Customer Service Miracal knows where everything in the store is located and always has a smile for her customers.

Louis Strickland
Customer Service Louis is young but is anxious to learn all about our products to he can assist all our customers.