
Need to reinforce soil to stabilize your wall?

Installed in horizontal layers between wall courses and extending into the soil behind a wall, geogrid stabilizes the soil and so increases a wall system’s mass and stability.
Depending on site conditions and wall height, retaining walls often require soil reinforcement. Geogrid is a geosynthetic material, made of polymers, that is used to reinforce soil behind retaining walls. Installed in horizontal layers between wall courses and extending into the soil behind a wall, geogrid stabilizes the soil and so increases a wall system’s mass and stability.

How Geogrid Works

Retaining Wall with Un-reinforced Soil, Cross Section.

Retaining walls hold back potentially unstable wedges of soil. Depending on soil type and other site conditions, un-reinforced VERSA-LOK walls can be three to four feet tall.

If the weight of the VERSA-LOK wall units alone can’t resist the force of an unstable soil wedge or any load on top of it, then Geogrid soil reinforcement is needed. Horizontal layers of Geogrid provide tensile strength to hold the reinforced soil mass together. The Geogrid-reinforced soil mass becomes part of the retaining wall system, giving the system more size and weight to resist pressures from behind it.

Retaining Wall with Reinforced Soil, Cross Section.
As a wall gets taller, it needs longer Geogrid lengths to increase the size of the Geogrid-reinforced soil mass. Also, taller walls need more layers of Geogrid and stronger Geogrids to internally hold the reinforced soil mass together and to properly connect to the VERSA-LOK units.
Geogrid Soil Reinforcement
VERSA-Grid is lightweight and easy to install. It’s flexible, with virtually no memory, so it lays flat after being unrolled. Just unroll and make sure the VERSA-Grid is rolled out continuously, perpendicular to the wall face.
Grid Roll
VERSA-Grid comes in multiple strength types. VERSA-Grid 3.0, VERSA-Grid 5.0 and VERSA-Grid 8.0 are the strengths commonly used for landscape and commercial walls. These VERSA-Grid strengths are generally available in 6-ft. wide x 150-ft. long rolls (100 sq.yd. per roll). For some residential walls, VERSA-Grid 1.5 is used, but only for walls up to 6 feet tall. It is available in 4-ft. wide by 50-ft long rolls (22 sq.yd. per roll.)
Wal Components Reinforce
Wal Components Reinforce